Lamenting Jackpaw
They eat the fleshly bread, they drank the nervous wine. –William Blake
For raggedy wages he throws down his dues,
paid much less than his mind,
with women to slag him and whisky to quench,
he’s sourcing a blade of sunlight.
Mowen, mowen, mowen the blades!
Get to we a place wherein work possesses!
Emberal Stepsizzle: Eberal yot
potismorked humsliblidda, sprab
titugole. Dange Manny, orglavoon.
Ullatriston greaple strumin,
durkoniz ont qualling reb.
In HB Hotel, a banquet server
toting hors d’oeuvres, gazing out
the enormous fourth story lobby glass,
elderly patrons leisurely passing
through the honeycomb halls, sunset
dolloping red-orange over
the little mountain city vista,
blue-bunched carpet unrolling behind.
Praballenshunsosis, lakshumee hum,
| | | | | | | | | | sadritanticles over rimpleste
| | | | | | | | | | | | asfrallawire chum, dallingering sum,
Michriclan Ovupor, sallack dropslick
| | | | | | | | | | | | on his rofolax pinbrash umf.
| | | | | | | | | | Saralonme Dastriy, mafer tom lum,
asincrafire dellups, drickveme, drum.
| | | | | | | | | | Ameagersall Vosh, scriminolla chree
| | | | | | | | | | | | in fishlaboms tramagrap, mus pawnol
swip marchpit his brealests perkity rose,
| | | | | | | | | | | | seekamend wooshelone swangin his bone,
| | | | | | | | | | notman notwo but Frennish Prasoe
in lacewick lances his pantycreel dances.
We no people.
Sillus Prayree
Dovracod Musglove
Judican Gralusbood
Whonmoc Ashpane
Just so, Urania tells Minerva the story of Ceres
searching for Proserpina and the tangential
Arethusa in her foreign Elean fountain
home where Diana hid her as water.
Arethusa, perpetual foreigner, rugged heiress.
Alabaster teeth, infinite teeth, rend me
asunder, fulsome and warm from dreams.