Note on HB Concentration

Caverns chase cursive chains,

cons repeat themselves

in letters, worse than the truth

to continue leaflessly this

tree. Imagine engine Fascinta:

hail lies that form a universe.

Trilliby Prackfink
Langdo Midhow
Qualler Tanplans

Linkabber Scrowkits
Monque Vonblonker
Derry Sib Rollo

Zadra Shuntrisan
Easel Moe
Dallaerby Danerib

Finnerly Lopswanticker
Corpalabs Groob
Vertanifodge Hammel

Nonoon Wimlifeck
Backery Tonbrogister
Pallaster Zonqueak

Midihon Mikilo
Quop Bandalol Dowbroy
Lechumpess Illacroff

they go and go, shadows

delineate whatness.
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